Stress Management


Please join CFLR’s Prevention Department to discuss ways to manage the stress in your life.  Prevention Specialist, Ruth Barnes will show you some techniques and provide tips for effective andContinue reading →

Elderly Depression


Join Lauren Platt Prevention Specialist at CFLR for a presentation regarding Elderly Depression.  Lauren will discuss the signs and symptoms, where to find help and other resources that are availableContinue reading →

ZenArt with Tim


Participants will draw and create an abstract piece of art.  Reducing stress symptoms with distraction and creation skills.

H.O.P.E.: Scattergories Game Night


Join us in our family game night!!  We promote social interaction, and laughter while staying connected to our recovery community!

The Importance of Good Mental Health


CFLR Prevention Specialist, Lauren Platt will discuss why it is important to stay mentally healthy along with tips and activities you can do to improve and maintain your mental health,Continue reading →

Free Virtual Narcan Trainings


Center for Family Life and Recovery, will be offering free confidential virtual narcan training's, every other Tuesday evening at 6pm. Join: If you need a different time, please emailContinue reading →

Vaping: What Teens Should Know


Join Senior Prevention Specialist, Cortney Kleek as she brings awareness to the dangers of vaping on a teens developing brain.  This presentation will give teens ideas on how to copeContinue reading →

Successful Co-Parenting


Join Prevention Specialist Lauren Platt as she discusses ways that you and your ex can become successful co-parents. She’ll talk about helpful tips such as communication, consistency and why it’sContinue reading →

Origami with Tim


Participants will create a heart out of a square piece of paper.  Reducing stress symptoms with distraction and creation skills.

BUY Tickets for Take the Day - an indulgent journey into self-care awaits you on Thu, May 16, 2024!Buy Now!
When There's Help There's Hope