Training Catalog

Training Catalog


Updated Training Catalog coming soon!

We are working diligently to bring you up to date trainings for your staff.  Each member company receives one free training per year and is eligible for additional professional trainings at a reduced cost.

Member companies can access our library of recorded trainings and webinars HERE in our employee assistance portal.


Unlocking Employee Well-being: The Importance of Advertising Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, employee well-being is a key factor that directly influences productivity, satisfaction, and overall company success. One valuable resource that often goes underutilized is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). To maximize the benefits of this essential support system, it is crucial for companies to actively advertise their EAP to employees.

Employee Assistance Programs are designed to provide confidential, professional assistance to employees facing personal or work-related challenges that may impact their well-being. These challenges can range from stress and mental health issues to financial or family concerns. By actively promoting EAPs, companies create a culture of care and support, fostering an environment where employees feel valued and understood.

Advertised EAPs act as a safety net for employees, offering them a confidential space to address their concerns without fear of judgment. Many employees may be unaware of the existence or scope of the EAP, and advertising serves as a means of education, ensuring that everyone is aware of the resources available to them.

Moreover, promoting EAPs contributes to a proactive approach to mental health and well-being. Rather than waiting for issues to escalate, employees are encouraged to seek help early on, preventing potential crises and reducing absenteeism. This not only benefits individual employees but also positively impacts the overall workplace atmosphere.

Companies that actively advertise their EAP demonstrate a commitment to the holistic well-being of their workforce. This, in turn, enhances employee morale, engagement, and loyalty. When employees feel supported, they are more likely to be motivated and dedicated to their work, ultimately contributing to the company's success.

In conclusion, advertising Employee Assistance Programs is a strategic investment in the overall health and success of a company. By creating awareness and fostering a culture that prioritizes employee well-being, organizations not only fulfill their duty to care for their workforce but also unlock the potential for a more resilient, engaged, and productive team.

For new brochures or CFLR’s EAP newest training ideas, please contact Nadine Zesky by e-mailing:

Ensuring a Safe and Merry Holiday Season: Tips for Holiday Safety

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration and togetherness. While we immerse ourselves in the festive spirit, it's crucial to prioritize safety to ensure that the holidays remain a time of happiness and fond memories. Here are some essential tips to keep you and your loved ones safe during this special time of the year.

Decorate with Care:

While decking the halls, be mindful of safety when putting up decorations. Ensure that lights and electrical decorations are in good condition and avoid overloading electrical outlets. Keep candles away from flammable materials and consider using flameless LED candles as a safer alternative.

Fire Safety:

If you have a fireplace, use a screen to prevent sparks, and never leave it unattended. Keep a fire extinguisher handy, and make sure smoke detectors are working properly. Be cautious with space heaters, keeping them away from flammable items and turning them off when not in use.

Travel Safely:

If you're hitting the road for holiday travels, plan your route in advance, and check weather conditions. Ensure your vehicle is in good working order and be prepared for emergencies with a roadside assistance kit. If you're flying, familiarize yourself with airline safety guidelines and be mindful of your belongings. Keep doors locked especially if you are storing gifts in the vehicle.

Food Safety:

The holiday season is synonymous with feasting, but it's crucial to handle and cook food safely to prevent foodborne illnesses. Wash hands thoroughly, keep raw and cooked foods separate, and ensure that meat is cooked to the recommended temperature. Refrigerate leftovers promptly.

Be Mindful of Alcohol Consumption:

If you choose to consume alcohol during holiday festivities, do so responsibly. Designate a driver, use rideshare services, or plan for alternative transportation. Keep an eye on your friends and loved ones, ensuring that everyone gets home safely.

Protect Against Package Theft:

With the increase in online shopping during the holidays, package theft becomes a concern. Consider having packages delivered to a secure location or installing security measures like doorbell cameras.

By incorporating these safety tips into your holiday preparations, you can enjoy a season filled with warmth, joy and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you've taken steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Happy Holidays from all of us at CFLR!

Conquer the Holiday Stress Cycle

The holiday season, forced upon us as the most wonderful time of the year, can also be incredibly stressful for many individuals. The pressure to create perfect moments, find the ideal gifts, and host flawless gatherings can lead to heightened stress levels. However, by adopting a few practical strategies, individuals can significantly reduce holiday stress and embrace the true spirit of the season.

One effective approach to mitigate stress is effective time management. Creating a holiday schedule and setting realistic expectations can prevent last-minute rushes. Plan activities and tasks in advance, allowing ample time for shopping, cooking, and decorating. Utilize digital tools and apps to stay organized and ensure that nothing is overlooked. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, the overwhelming sense of responsibility diminishes, making the holiday preparations more manageable.

Financial stress is another common concern during the holiday season. Establishing a budget and adhering to it can alleviate this burden. Start by creating a list of all anticipated expenses, including gifts, decorations, and travel costs. Prioritize essential expenses and be mindful of impulse purchases. Thoughtful, meaningful gifts need not be extravagant. Handmade presents or heartfelt gestures often carry more sentimental value, reinforcing the idea that holidays are about expressing love and appreciation rather than monetary worth.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, individuals should prioritize their physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and moments of solitude can rejuvenate the mind and body. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calmness.

Fostering open communication with family and friends is essential. Setting boundaries and managing expectations can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Delegate tasks and responsibilities, encouraging everyone to contribute to the holiday preparations. Sharing the load not only lightens the burden but also strengthens the sense of camaraderie, reinforcing the idea that the holiday season is a collective effort.

Lastly, embracing a flexible mindset is vital. Unexpected events and challenges are inevitable, and adapting to change with grace can significantly reduce stress. Rather than fixating on a perfect outcome, focus on the joy derived from spending quality time with loved ones and creating cherished memories together.

When you can begin prioritizing effective time management, financial prudence, self-care, open communication, and flexibility, individuals can reduce holiday stress and rediscover the true essence of the season. Embracing these strategies fosters a sense of fulfillment, allowing everyone to experience the holidays with a lighter heart and a deeper appreciation for the moments shared with family and friends.

Don’t forget! CFLR’s EAP is always here for you. You and members of your household are all eligible for 7-9 counseling sessions. You can make a stress-free appointment by calling 1-800- 729-6822.

Breaking Down Barriers: Reducing Stigma Surrounding Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

While conversations about mental health have become more common, there is still much work to be done to break down the barriers that lead to misunderstanding, discrimination and silence.

Language shapes our perceptions.

Using stigmatizing words or phrases can intensify the challenges individuals with mental health issues, substance use and other lifestyle disorders face. It's crucial to use respectful and empathetic language, as it can promote understanding and create a safe space for open dialogue. Instead of labeling someone as “addict” or “crazy,” we can choose words that reflect their humanity and experience.

One of the most effective ways to reduce stigma is through education.

Dispelling myths and providing accurate information about mental health and lifestyle disorders, not only raises awareness but also empowers individuals to seek help without fear of judgment. Schools, workplaces, and communities can all play a role in promoting mental health knowledge.

We can all help by fostering a culture of support and compassion.

When individuals disclose their struggles, they should be met with understanding and encouragement, not judgment. Empathy can be a powerful tool in reducing stigma. By recognizing that mental health issues and lifestyle disorders can affect anyone, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society.

Reducing stigma also involves improving access to mental health and treatment facilities.

People are more likely to seek help when they know it's available and when they believe they won't face discrimination. Investment in mental health services and treatment can save lives. Encouraging people to seek treatment will help reduce the stigma of asking for help. Reducing stigma is not the sole responsibility of institutions and organizations; it starts with each of us. By examining our own beliefs and attitudes, we can contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society. Let's choose to be allies, advocates and champions for those who may be struggling in silence.

Your EAP program feels strongly about reducing stigma surrounding mental health and lifestyle disorders. We know it is a collective responsibility.  Your EAP Coordinators can create training unique to your company’s needs! It's a journey that requires understanding, education, empathy and above all, a commitment to change. By working together, we can create communities and workplaces where individuals are not defined by their mental health or lifestyle but by their strength, resilience and humanity.

Back to School

Happy September! Knowing that kids are heading back to school and the hustle and bustle of fall routines is just starting to ramp up, we wanted to provide some helpful conversation starters for our care givers to help bring up some hard topics for kids. We all know that kids are connected to the outside world much more than ever before.  This fact has opened a slew of mental health stressors that youth now face that adults may be unfamiliar with.  The phenomenon of covert bullying is not new but has become the new “playground” for bullying.

We all know what bullying is, and the number one way to stop it is: When an adult sees it, they step in to stop it. However, covert bullying or social bullying is much harder to recognize and much harder to prevent.

 What is covert bullying?  

Covert bullying, sometimes referred to as social bullying, is often harder to recognize and can be carried out behind the bullied person’s back.  It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation and / or cause humiliation.

Covert bullying can include: 

  • Lying and spreading rumors
  • Negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks
  • Playing nasty jokes to embarrass and humiliate
  • Mimicking unkindly
  • Encouraging others to social exclude someone
  • Damaging someone’s social reputation or social acceptance.

It often goes hand in hand with Cyber bullying which the Cyber Bullying Research Center defines as:

Intentional and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, phones, and other electronic devices. Cyber bullying can be overt or covert bullying behaviors and can happen at any time. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only known to the target and the person bullying.”

Cyber bullying can include: 

Abusive or hurtful texts, emails or posts, images or videos

  • Deliberately excluding others online
  • Nasty gossip or rumors
  • Imitating others online or using their log-in.

How can adults help a child who is struggling with this? The first step is to open a conversation, while remembering many kids will not tell a parent or other trusted adult about this, because let’s face it… kids are afraid we will over-react or take away their electronic devices.  Many times, children feel that they did something wrong or feel shame and embarrassment about the situation, so they cover it up or deny anything is actually happening.  They also fear that if an adult interferes it will make the situation worse.

Take some time in a moment of calm to talk about bullying.

Here are some conversation starters: 

  • Talk about how you felt when someone left you out.  Ask them if someone has ever left them out of plans or made them feel isolated.
  • Ask them directly if anything they have ever seen on the internet has made them feel uncomfortable.
  • Let them know that standing up to someone can be really tricky! What are their thoughts on this?
  • If they saw someone eating alone in the cafeteria, how does that make them feel? Would they offer to help? Why or why not?
  • Talk about how much courage it takes to ask for help!
  • Ask them who they would go to if they were being bullied?

Being bullied can have lifelong ramifications and should not be ignored.  There are so many resources that can help.  We can help! We offer employees 7-9 FREE counseling sessions for you as well as your family.  Our counselors can help you or your child develop a plan and create resilience in the face of bullying. If you need help, or have a question call us at 1-800-729-6822!

Resources for more information:

Summer Expectations

Ah… Summer… a season full of expectations, dreams, relaxation and fun… or is it? Sometimes these expectations alone can cause stress. Summer break can be a stressful time for families especially when kids are home, and boredom sets in.  The expectations of fun and adventure seen on commercials and social media often set a standard that is simply unrealistic! How can caregivers maintain a fun and relaxing summer break, while maintaining some semblance of structure and balance throughout the hot and hazy summer months?

Here are some tips to help keep your child on track so summer can be as rewarding as possible for everyone in the family:

Maintain your schedule. While you may never be able to duplicate the structure school provides, it helps to maintain the school year’s daily schedule, right down to mealtimes and bedtime, as much as possible. It can be very tempting to let your kids stay up late and sleep in—especially on weekends, when you want to do the same—but in the long run, sticking to the same schedule pays off by keeping your family in a comfortable routine.

Try to schedule as many activities as possible, as early as possible, and keep your kids posted.  These activities don’t have to be expensive or even that exciting. The word “activities” can be daunting, but it can mean anything from “we’re going to Grandma’s Thursday at 5pm for dinner” to having a set routine revolving around something that happens every day.  For example, “Every day, weather permitting, you’ll be going to the playground or pool”, scheduling lunch every day at the same time, or even having reading time built in every day at the same time. Having one set activity a day allows for a mental center, around which the rest of the day can be structured.

According to the Child Mind Institute,

Maintain—or create—a behavioral system. Children and teens, especially, may act like they want to be in charge, but the truth is they feel safer knowing exactly what you expect of them and the rewards that result from good behavior. This is never truer than during the seemingly boundless—and boundary-free—summer break. You should choose the two or three most desired positive behaviors to nurture with consistent and positive reinforcement, and try to ignore as many of the negative ones as possible. This teaches kids the definite rewards of desired behavior, and that acting out gets them nothing—not even negative attention. A chart with stickers for tasks accomplished can work wonders as positive reinforcement for preschool children. And remember: if you have limits, such as 30 minutes a day of earned computer time, you should stick to them.”

This website also stresses the importance of getting outside, even if for brief moments.  Physical activity, sunshine and fresh air all provide health and mental wellness benefits that are immediately felt by children. Going outside can be as easy as stepping out the front door and breathing in the fresh air for a few minutes. Try not to stress about it!  Giving kids the simple responsibility of retrieving the mail every day, can provide several benefits! Some of these benefits are:

  • Helps provide that structured activity mentioned earlier.
  • Promotes a sense of responsibility.
  • Allows that summer sun to shine.
  • Increases self-esteem.
  • Helps to build trust.

Try not to overthink entertaining children.  What they really want is a sense of belonging, connection, and relaxation, just like the rest of us! Don't be afraid to tell kids that you need a break. You'll be surprised and how willing kids are to give you that break if you are just honest with them. Kids often feel alone with their emotions and their own feelings of being overwhelmed. Sometimes when a parent reminds them that is it is “ok” to take a break and just relax, it is often just what everyone needed.

Visit for more information.

Self Care

I’ll admit it, when someone asked me what I did for “self-care”, I giggled. In between the responsibilities of raising a family, helping aging parents, work, the weather, the household responsibilities, bills and oh yeah… Covid, I definitely forgot where the rat race of life ended and I began.  I realized if I snuck away to get my hair done, I counted that as “doing something for me.” In February of 2021, I woke up, threw my hands up, put a coat on and went for a walk.  1,656 miles later, I cannot live without my walks. The walks have made me a better partner, worker, mom and daughter.  But what is self-care? It is different for everyone.  It can’t be wrapped in a bow or prescribed by a doctor, it must be individualized by each and every one of us. Here’s why:

Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, increase happiness, and more. It can help you adapt to changes, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks. “In a national survey, Americans cited benefits of self-care as: enhanced self-confidence (64%), increased productivity (67%), happiness (71%). From a physical health perspective, self-care also reduces heart disease, stroke and cancer.”

The activities you choose to participate in for your self-care should help you achieve balance in different areas of your life to promote your overall wellness.  SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, has defined eight dimensions of wellness to help you focus on optimizing your health: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, social. When thinking of different self-care activities to try, think about these dimensions in your life and how you can improve them. Self-care should not be something you force yourself to do. Self-care practices will refuel you, helping you to take care of yourself and support those around you. If you’re having trouble thinking of ways you can take better care of yourself, here are four simple ways you can get started.

Move more. Physical activity can help the brain cope better with stress, making it beneficial in the treatment of depression and anxiety symptoms. You can also turn your exercise routine into ways to spend more time outdoors. Walks, hikes or runs may be easier to fit into your schedule. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors can help reduce fatigue, making it a great way to manage symptoms of depression or burnout.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet. What we eat and drink can affect our body’s ability to prevent, fight and recover from infections, and it can impact our mood. If you’re feeling anxious or unwell, incorporating certain foods into your diet can help alleviate anxiety or encourage the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Prioritize sleep. Sleep has a significant impact on how you feel mentally and physically. Getting enough sleep will help regulate your mood, improve brain function, and increase your energy to help tackle the day. Take action to ensure that you rest your body by going to bed at around the same time each night.

Plan self-care and set boundaries. Take a moment to think about the best methods to move forward in your life and stay grounded. It’s critical to schedule regular self-care time – plan time to do something that gives you joy and helps you recharge. If you’re feeling anxious, setting boundaries can help you feel safe and comfortable in your surroundings.  Boundaries can include setting expectations around physical safety measures with family and friends or putting limits on certain activities.

In essence, walking ticked so many of the boxes for me.  It helped me to set boundaries, I began sleeping better, I prioritized getting outside, which also helped me fend off the winter blues and made me feel stronger; mentally, physically and spiritually. My self-care is unique to me. It allows me to think about me. So, pick something! It doesn’t have to be earth shattering, it just needs to be something that you WANT, no one else. Start small if you want, or jump right into a hobby you’ve always thought about!

For more information check this link out:

What is PTSD?

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of events or set of circumstances. An individual may experience this as emotionally or physically harmful or life-threatening and may affect mental, physical, social, and/or spiritual well-being. Examples include natural disasters, serious accidents, terrorist acts, war/combat, rape/sexual assault, historical trauma, intimate partner violence and bullying. (1)

Historically thought of as a condition individuals in emergency type services can develop, it is now widely accepted as a highly treatable condition that affects millions of Americans who also experience traumatic events. These traumatic events can be a one-time instance or cumulative over a lifetime. For example, there’s new research that shows that children who grew up in abusive households or who were bullied can suffer from PTSD.

Interestingly, chronic bullying can also lead to individuals suffering from PTSD. When a person is repeatedly bullied or harassed, they experience continued negative reinforcement, systematic abuse of power, and ongoing intimidation and emotional pain. The characteristic symptoms that develop as a result of bullying (feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, anger, fear) are also strongly correlated with that of PTSD, making it more likely that a person who was bullied would develop the disorder. Children may experience PTSD from bullying differently, depending on their age. For example, very young children may experience more separation anxiety. School-aged kids may experience increased shame and may have trouble concentrating in school. (2)

No matter what the causes of PTSD are, the symptoms are comparable.  They may include:

  • Feeling “on edge”
  • Being easily startled
  • Experiencing nightmares
  • Having flashbacks to the traumatic experience
  • Having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Having intrusive, scary thoughts
  • Blaming yourself for what happened
  • Feeling guilty
  • Having angry outbursts
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Avoiding situations that trigger memories of the event

PTSD is treatable.  A wide range of Cognitive therapies have proven to have success in treating PTSD.  Recently, the Department of Veterans affairs listed EMDR as a “best practice” in treating veterans experiencing PTSD. Research on EMDR includes dozens of clinical trials, research studies and academic papers. As far as therapies go, EMDR is relatively new. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This method involves moving your eyes a specific way while you process traumatic memories. (3) (for more information on EMDR see source 3)

There is plenty of information out there on PTSD, and there are different types of PTSD. It can be overwhelming!   No description fits all the individual scenarios that can affect any one of us.  If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in this, reach out!  Find a therapist who specializes in PTSD.  If you don't know where to begin, call your EAP program. CFLR has a wide range of counselors on staff, and case managers can help you find long term therapists in your area. We can help take the stress off of you and your family if you are dealing with PTSD. Don't hesitate to reach out!

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day - October 26 10a-2pm
321 Main Street Utica
When There's Help There's Hope